The Balvenie The Makers Project

The Makers Project is a conscious effort to rekindle the joy and appreciation of human craftsmanship. It explores the singular passion and creativity required to elevate the great to the exceptional. We commissioned Ceres Lau to create 5 paper art pieces inspired by our whisky making process.


  • Craftsmanship takes skill. Ultimate craftsmanship requires heart. Ceres and The Balvenie perfectly embody this. Their dedication to their respective crafts results in art and whisky that embodies the warmth and human touch that goes in to every creation.

  • "The celebration of the ultimate craftsmanship through the Makers Project is synonymous with my work. Together, we push the boundaries of excellence on our journeys to produce a piece of work that stands the test of time."

    Ceres Lau

  • “5 Rare Crafts and Craftsmen”
    “5 Rare Crafts and Craftsmen”

    by Ceres Lau, paper artist and sculptor, Malaysia


    Ceres’ work celebrates the lush landscapes of Sarawak, which fuel her artistic expression. Using humble paper as her medium, Ceres’ tactile installation, titled “5 Rare Crafts and Craftsmen”, pays homage to Malt Master David C. Stewart and celebrates the Farmers, Malt Men, Coppersmiths, Coopers and Malt Masters of The Balvenie.


At The Balvenie we stay true to our Five Rare Crafts, making whisky the way we always have. Our craftsmen have an intimate understanding of their materials and a desire to make the very best whisky possible. Like Ceres, our process is a combination of expertise, skill and ambition.


    Just as Ceres uses humble paper as her medium, at The Balvenie, we still grow our own barley for malting. Each year we sow barley on our thousand-acre farm, Balvenie Mains, overlooking the distillery. The only modern technology we use is a combine harvester when the crop is ripe for harvesting.


    The Balvenie operates a traditional working floor maltings. After steeping the barley in spring water sourced from hills above the distillery, we spread the grain across our traditional malting floor. Ceres crafts everything by hand, as do our malt men. They turn the maltings by hand until the malted barley is ready for the kiln.


    Our stills are our canvas. They have varied very little from when the distillery first opened. They maintain the same ‘Balvenie Ball’ shape, with a bulge or boil ball at the base of the swan's neck – a feature replicated in the neck of The Balvenie bottle. This allows the vapours more time to mix before they carry on up to the head.


    True craftsmanship, whether for an artist or whisky maker, takes time to develop properly. Our coopers repair, rebuild, fill and seal whisky casks all day, all year. An apprenticeship takes four years, but the learning doesn’t stop there: it takes more years of experience to keep everything ‘wind and watertight’ every time.


    No one knows whisky like David C. Stewart MBE. He started work at The Balvenie distillery in 1962 at the age of just 17. During a 12-year apprenticeship, he mastered the complex skills required to create the very finest single malt whisky. David’s devotion to and finely developed understanding of the whisky-making process is what inspired Ceres’ creations.

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Discover Handcrafted whiskies

Every bottle produced at The Balvenie embodies knowledge, care and craftsmanship passed down through generations; the same qualities that inspired Ceres Lau’s original art works.

  • Doublewood 12

    Matured with a sherry finish for a beautifully sweet, balanced whisky. Smooth honey notes unfurl soft cinnamon and rounded vanilla spice. Flavour profile: honey, vanilla, cinnamon and sherry.

  • Caribbean Cask 14

    Matured with a rum cask finish for a richly sweet, rounded whisky. Rounded rich honey, sweet vanilla toffee and fresh fruit. Flavour profile: honey, toffee, oak and fruits

  • French Oak 16

    Years of maturation in American oak casks brings an abundance of floral notes, citrus zing and the sweetness of glazed fruits and spice. Flavour profile: apple, citrus, ginger, flowers and grass.

  • Portwood 21

    Matured with a portwood finish for an indulgently smooth, refined whisky. Smooth honey refined with creamy fruit and spice. Flavour profile: raisins, spice, nuts and honey.

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